Wednesday, April 9, 2008

General Conference

Landoe's attended the 178th annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, including the Solemn Assembly where we were eyewitness to the sustaining of the Lord's 16th Prophet, Thomas S. Monson. We attended the first session in the Conference Center and the second and third session in the Tabernacle. Karah fanagled some seats for us in the fourth session of conference in the lower balcony.

We enjoyed all the talks and Alaura took down names and notes from all 26 general authorities that spoke, including the new apostle, Elder Todd Christofferson.

The kids enjoyed some play time on Friday before conference including hiking up "Y" mountain, bought chocolate and books at the BYU book store, took a tour of Temple Square, showed the kids some gospel art, and played in the water fountain at Gateway Mall, in Salt Lake. And this happened all in one day!!!

Outside the Conference Center, the kids were exposed to their first dose of "Mormon Bashing" (a non-public video). Rhiannon didn't let those loud mouths get by her, she said "That sign says mormon's arent' Christians. That's not true! Someone needs to tell them they aren't true." Alaura said, "They're just trying to take away our faith -that's not very nice." Hunter thought they were just silly. We all enjoyed the Scottish bag pipes.
The last two days were very relaxing up at Wolf Creek Resort. If you just want some relax time, this is a good place to go with lots of low key but fun stuff to do.

The capstone of our trip was when Karah met the newly sustained prophet, President Thomas S. Monson in real life!!! She was leaving Trolley Square Mall at exactly 2:10PM on Tuesday April 8th when she intercepted President Monson who was just entering the Mall. They met in the air lock between the inner and outer doors. It was just Karah, President Monson, and his body gaurd. He asked her name, she said "My name is Karah Landoe from Washington" and he said, nice to meet you and shook her hand. She said, "Nice to meet you too." Then she ran out to our car and told me all about it. I race to the back of the building to see what I could see but only caught this picture of his car, and the door where they met. This was truly a blessing for all of us that Karah was able to see the prophet.